The Realms - Artwork Miscellaneous

I don't know where to put these, and since there was enough of them to create their own category, I bring you the miscellaneous images.

She stands at the gate, about to open it and walk through.

She's been stabbed in her wings. She's been betrayed.

An oak tree that others have seen, besides me.

He's in the process of healing himself and eliminating a wave of spilling blood from his body.

The face of this man is very familiar to me, though I can't quite place it.

The woman is caught by surprise as the sorcerer does his thing a little ways in front of her.

They are engaged in battle. Two friends who are either as close as brothers, or are indeed, brothers.

She is feeling comfort in his arms, but he's not lost in the moment. He keeps thoughts of deceit on his mind. He will betray her.

A temple I drew a good while back. Religious symbols on a tapestry thru the doors are quite visible. One door has spirals or portals on them.

She stands in the sea, pregnant, but she is part of the sea.

Illustrious tower that stands as the sun goes down behind it.

The Realms :: Main Portals :: Visual